Frequently Asked Questions

Employment Background Checks

Many employers hesitate to conduct employment background checks because of the cost, but we encourage you to instead consider the cost of a bad hiring decision. Over 30 percent of all business failures are the result of bad hiring decisions, according to the U.S....

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What is Georgia’s First Offender Act (FOA)?

Upon a verdict or plea of guilty or nolo contendere, but before an adjudication of guilt, the court may, in the case of a defendant who has not been previously convicted of a felony, without entering a judgment of guilt and with the consent of the defendant, defer...

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Registered Sex Offender Background Checks

Statewide Criminal Background Checks revealed that 66 teachers and 399 other school employees are felons and sex offenders. Nearly 500 felons and registered sex offenders were working in Michigan schools as of January 2006, according to a state report released in...

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Comprehensive Criminal Background Check

A complete and comprehensive criminal background check consists of checking an applicant's criminal history, not only in the state in which they currently reside, but also in all other states of residence. Failure to check an applicant's full criminal background can...

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How Does the FCRA Affect My Background Searches?

As an employer, you may use consumer reports when you hire new employees and when you evaluate employees for promotion, reassignment, and retention as long as you comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).All of the services PeopleCheck offers are 100% FCRA...

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Why Should I Check an Employee’s Credentials?

By some estimates, over 50 million people in the U.S. alone enter the labor force or change jobs every year. In virtually all of these cases the candidate submits an application and/or a resume which details their qualifications or credentials for employment.One study...

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Atlanta Background Check Services

Most experienced managers know the feeling. You're growing an organization and need to find quality people. So you put the word out and get inundated with potential candidates. You try to do your homework, reading resumes, conducting interviews and even talking to...

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Customized Employment Reference Checks

An Employment Reference Check can be a crucial component of an effective employment screening process. PeopleCheck's customized employment reference checks will allow you to access important information about an applicant's past without taking time from you or your...

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